Snack Smart Snack Safe Program

Snack Smart Snack Safe Program is a program focused on healthy nutrition and education dedicated to helping and encouraging our inner-city youth to make healthy eating decisions.  We are committed to ensuring participants understand how the nutritional choices made affect how they feel, think, and perform.  The programs overview includes understanding food groups, the food pyramid, and why physical activity is included in the food pyramid.  The program also includes daily food consumption, amount of fat, protein, and dairy required daily, lean meat versus fat/red meat, and the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. 

Through healthy activity and education, 33% of the children participating in our program have experienced weight loss and a decline in inches around their abdomens.  The urban population in which we serve is heavily African American and Hispanic.  Many of the children in our program are overweight or obese prior to joining us, and the number of 3 to 5-year old toddlers is alarming and the most vulnerable.  We understand that many of the habits that people retain for the rest of their life are established in childhood, so it’s critical that we educate both the children and their parents about healthy eating and exercise.  Many of these issues are fueled by eating too much calorie laden processed foods and drinking too many sweetened beverages.  An additional challenge is lack of exercise, as our youth are spending more hours in front of television, gaming, and computer screens then earlier generations. 

Through healthy activity and education, 33% of the children participating in our program have experienced weight loss and a decline in inches around their abdomens.  The urban population in which we serve is heavily African American and Hispanic.  Many of the children in our program are overweight or obese prior to joining us, and the number of 3 to 5-year old toddlers is alarming and the most vulnerable.  We understand that many of the habits that people retain for the rest of their life are established in childhood, so it’s critical that we educate both the children and their parents about healthy eating and exercise.  Many of these issues are fueled by eating too much calorie laden processed foods and drinking too many sweetened beverages.  An additional challenge is lack of exercise, as our youth are spending more hours in front of television, gaming, and computer screens then earlier generations.


Snack Smart Snack Safe Program