McDuffy’s Academy Of Academic Excellence


McDuffy’s Academy of Academic Excellence (MAAE), a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, was created to serve the hundreds of culturally diverse, at-risk children, elementary through high school, in the city of Inglewood, and its surrounding communities. 

The organization is focused on developing under-privileged children socially and academically through coaching and mentoring.  Services include after-school tutoring, high school graduation support, computer education, college application assistance, resume and interview preparation, and employment services.  Besides academics, MAAE is also focused on crime prevention in the areas of, gang and drug avoidance/prevention.  Our goal is to provide these services at no cost to the families. 

Our mission is to serve the growing market of uninformed and underserved families in the inner city communities; to provide services to the community specifically in the areas of  living skills, self defense,  employment, arts, computer technology and self-discovery; and to act as a community base and resource center where uniformed and underserved families can access information fundamental to sustaining a healthy community life as well as provide information about a variety of community based opportunities and services.

By expanding the opportunities available in said community, our objective is to assist inner city residents in developing entrepreneurial and management skills necessary for the successful operation of business enterprises.  By offering these programs, we effectively provide the tools necessary to be successful and self-sufficient individuals of our communities; capable of “giving back” to the community in which they reside.


Cliff McDuffy Jr.

Director / Board Member


Welcome to MAAE!

McDuffy’s Academy of Academic Excellence



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